
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 15, 2024





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Yesterday Vox writer, Kelsey Piper, spoke with FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried. During their message exchange, he offered a glimpse into a man without ethics and a conscience. He is clearly ready to speak and may have a change of heart in regard to his alliance with the WEF. As he was questioned, it became clear that he has seen the globalist agenda and has his own understanding of heroes and villains.

Her conversation is chilling and can be read below.

 > Sam Bankman-Fried tries to explain himself

The entire crypto collapse is predictable. This is the perfect storm and recipe for the government to use this disaster to sweep in and offer solutions and regulations. Regulations created will be the road map to a digital currency backed by the federal reserve. The lessons learned now will be used to justify the use and security of all citizens. Congress will let no crisis go to waste.

Yesterday, I published the House members that need to be investigated. They are leaders in the Republican and Democrat parties with an alliance with FTX and their managing fund, Alameda Research.

The CEO of Alameda is the ex-girlfriend of Sam Bankman-Fried, and she has manipulated and laundered money through hedge funds and bitcoin. The house members are aware of who they were accepting money from, and they likely celebrated the way they felt protected. There were more back doors in FTX and Alameda than windows to see in. All were unethical and manipulated the world’s economy.

This story is an exposition on what is happening in the global economy. I predict that crypto exchanges are now going to all file Chapter 11, and major banks that backed them are likely now completely stressed. This entire siphoning of money will have global ramifications that have likely been planned and prepared by extremely powerful global planners.

Those paying attention to the meme stock investments should already understand the investment market is not meant for the average citizen. It is a sham-controlled and manipulated by the banks and billionaires, much like a Vegas casino. The house never loses.

It is time we are all aware of the events in the world economy before we are all left eating “insects and frankenmeat” while looking at our social scores for what we are allowed to purchase with our digicoins.

Image: Reuters


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  • Greg Boulden

    Greg Boulden is an objective critical thinker, licensed school teacher, and recipient of multiple awards in both industry and his personal life. Greg is the host and managing editor of the podcast, “America Emboldened with Greg Boulden,” which is a part of the America Out Loud network. His podcast focuses on understanding individual sovereignty and critically thinking in an immersive news cycle full of slant and distraction. For almost 25 years, Boulden has worked extensively in the industries of TV/Film, Music, Photography, Pastoral Care and Counseling, and Youth Ministry. He currently works at Thomas McKean High School in Wilmington, DE, where he runs a career technology education pathway to help teens build skills and find jobs in Audio, Radio, and Video Broadcasting. He was a sound designer for Dorian Gray the Musical, which was awarded Best New Show at the New York Music Festival.
 Boulden is a graduate of DeSales University. He is annually recognized as a highly effective teacher, and students seem to think he’s a good dude. And don’t get him started on his affinity for Mrs. Robino’s Restaurant. 
 Distinguished Graduate Award from the Diocese of Wilmington. Best New Show Award at the New York Music Festival for Sound Design And many awards and acknowledgments for his volunteer efforts with Habitat for Humanity, working in community outreach efforts, and offering his time to build a better future for our youth.


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Whit Parrish
Whit Parrish
1 year ago

Thx Greg, now we’d like a few posts that are inspiring and joyful

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