
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 18, 2024





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It’s been 48 hours since our election day, and significant races are still waiting to be decided. Americans aligned with both political parties are on edge while waiting to see which direction government will head, with democrats either keeping or losing their majority in Congress and Senate. The results were far from the Red Wave that was predicted. This was more like a low tide coming in during the winter. If no one is there to enjoy it, did it matter?

With record inflation, the economy in a recession, and the future financial outlook looking dismal, President Biden gave a speech on Wednesday that contradicted reality. His words needed fact-checking because they did not pass the common sense detector. This election was about whether or not Democrats were leading the country in an agreeable manner. With the results coming in, the country looks more divided than ever. Looking at the electoral map, Republicans control the heartland, and Democrats control the metropolitan centers.

As a “Constitutional Republic,” it remains vital that the mob does not rule for the minority. This is the safeguard that makes America work. However, there are many in the majority that turn a blind eye to the inconvenience that America is a republic, not a democracy. Republics are meant to protect against the separation of people by class systems, both economically and politically. Individual rights and the constitution are greater than majority rule.

Balancing power in the Senate, House, and Executive branch is important to protect our republic. Now that the Red Wave came in at low tide, the Republican party should use this time to recalibrate. It is time to back the party’s future for 2024, and the leader will be Governor Ron DeSantis. While he continues his rise to prominence in America, there also needs to be attrition in both major parties for the USA to be in a better place. The left must denounce the socialist progressives, and the right must separate from the alt-right fascism that denies a Republic.


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  • Greg Boulden

    Greg Boulden is an objective critical thinker, licensed school teacher, and recipient of multiple awards in both industry and his personal life. Greg is the host and managing editor of the podcast, “America Emboldened with Greg Boulden,” which is a part of the America Out Loud network. His podcast focuses on understanding individual sovereignty and critically thinking in an immersive news cycle full of slant and distraction. For almost 25 years, Boulden has worked extensively in the industries of TV/Film, Music, Photography, Pastoral Care and Counseling, and Youth Ministry. He currently works at Thomas McKean High School in Wilmington, DE, where he runs a career technology education pathway to help teens build skills and find jobs in Audio, Radio, and Video Broadcasting. He was a sound designer for Dorian Gray the Musical, which was awarded Best New Show at the New York Music Festival.
 Boulden is a graduate of DeSales University. He is annually recognized as a highly effective teacher, and students seem to think he’s a good dude. And don’t get him started on his affinity for Mrs. Robino’s Restaurant. 
 Distinguished Graduate Award from the Diocese of Wilmington. Best New Show Award at the New York Music Festival for Sound Design And many awards and acknowledgments for his volunteer efforts with Habitat for Humanity, working in community outreach efforts, and offering his time to build a better future for our youth.


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