
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 19, 2024





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Regardless of what I have said before and often, the Republican Party, while grossly incompetent and badly wounded, is not in disarray to the extent Nancy Pelosi would like us to accept. But, we conservatives do have some house cleaning to do, and all that is local politics. 

Some would call them purges, but it’s nothing more sinister than voting the anti-Trump RINOs out of office. They don’t need to be there because it’s now Trump’s Republican party if he chooses to embrace the 75-80 million voters who want him back. Nancy’s sham impeachment is a desperate attempt to avoid many of the deep state criminals from going to prison. I like the wording better that says 197 Republicans voted against Trumps’ impeachments instead of ten that did. Remember, too, we almost have the House. Think 2022. It’s around the corner.

For the record, those ten House Republicans who did are Liz Cheney (Wy), Herrera Beutler (Wa), Katko (NY), Kinzinger (IL), Upton (Mi), Newhouse (Wa), Meijer (Mi), Gonzales (Oh), Rice (SC) & Valadao (Ca). The citizens in those states have to deal with them.

Also, on the Senatorial anti-Trump Shit-list are RINO Senators, McConnell (Ky), Murkowski (Ak), Romney (Ut), & Collins, (Mn). We can throw in Lindsey Graham (SC) for good measure. Yes, that should do it, but it needs to be done. We can’t wait six more years for some of ’em. 

For most of the rest of us, we’ve been herded in like sheep to the slaughter with easy living. But it’s not free. How fair is it that private big tech companies can arbitrarily decide that their job is to censor our comments and opinions when the government can’t? Right now, Social media platforms are protected by the 1st Amendment while the government is not. I thought the 1st amendment also protected the citizens. That should end. The government is supposed to be by the people’s consent, not by the desires of Facebook or Twitter, et al.

Ask yourselves, really, how essential is Facebook or Twitter to your lives? What did you do before those Godless platforms ensnared us into their grip? We wrote cards and letters and made telephone calls. Dump ’em all! The same with the big box stores that sell only Chinese goods like Walmart and Target.

Look for the others who are in the New World Order grip and dump their stocks as well. Make a statement that hurts. It’s called taking away their profits, and money speaks! Shop locally. Look up Learn how to do without. Be willing to abandon the ease of internet shopping with Amazon. Use alternatives; they’re there!

Marriott Hotel Corp. thought it prudent to join the list of big companies that now refuse to fund Republican candidates unless they denounce Trump. What are they afraid of, losing favor and losing profits? My wife and I have long been customers of Marriott Hotels. No more!

We can use cheaper alternatives and will. We’ve dumped Amazon Prime too. Why pay that company an extra yearly fee of nearly $200.00 when the saved costs are really no savings at all because alternative sources can be engaged even at a minimal additional shipping cost. What can you do without? You have nothing to lose but convenience, and that’s a fleeting option.

We’ve also dumped satellite TV for internet streaming and get everything we want. For us, it’s a less expensive alternative, and our fees no longer support CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, Fox News, or the NFL. We don’t support the growing sick transgender oriented programs that are starting to flourish out there. America has always stood on moral principles. Why have we abandoned them? Because we were told to do so; we’re racists and homophobes? No, we are simply Patriots.

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em!


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