
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 18, 2024





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The 16th amendment gave the federal government the right to tax income. This gave them the right to confiscate an unending amount of societys money [called their fair share] and spend it like drunken sailors. That turned the federal government into an insatiable beast that can never be fed to satisfaction, creating debt that is threatening the stability of our great nation and the world.

The 17th amendment changed how Senators are chosen. The Founding Fathers were determined to prevent the federal government from becoming an all too powerful entity that was centralized and out of control. In order to do this, they created a government that wasnt supposed to do very much, creating a true balance of power between the central government and the state governments. In those days, the word statedidnt mean province; it meant an independent nation. So the Senators were chosen by the state governments to be ambassadors to the federal government in order to stop power-grabbing by the central government.

After the passage of the 17th Amendment, they would be elected by popular vote, exactly what the Founding Fathers wanted to avoid ⏤ because that was already what the House of Representatives was for. That amendment destroyed the balance of power ⏤ the 10th Amendment notwithstanding. (The 10th says that the federal government has only those powers enumerated by the Constitution).

As long as the 17th exists, the 10th is meaningless. By misusing the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution, the federal government can overturn any local authority and individual rights guaranteed under the Constitution.

The deterioration of the Constitutions separation of, and balance of, powers means that regulators and bureaucrats now make most laws……The executive branch increasingly imposes its will: President Obama and his administration repeatedly say they are not going to wait for Congress……”

What about the Supreme Court? Dont they understand how the Commerce Clause is being misused? Until the Rehnquist court in 1995, SCOTUS never saw a law that exceeded Congresss power under the Commerce Clause for sixty years. In fact, they held the view that no matter how slight the impact might be on commerce, it would now be subject to federal control. If there ever was a system for abuse and tyranny, this was it, and now the states were powerless to do anything about it.

Regulatory Insanity

For anyone trying to research just how many regulations become attached to any federal law, we wish you luck, and a lot of time. You will find it’s very difficult. For instance, the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA), passed by Jimmy Carter and ultimately the cause of the housing bubble that collapsed in 2008, causing a worldwide recession. 

As best as we can tell, there were 25 regulations attached to that law, but that’s deceptive because, under each regulation, there are Subparts and Appendices, which expands the impact of each regulation. In effect, each regulation, or rule, becomes part of a maze of rules and regulations, all presented as “explanations”. 

The ultimate and actual number of regulations? Who knows ⏤ we doubt anyone knows for sure. Rule 25 of CRA had five Subparts and two Appendices. That’s seven additional components, i.e., “explanations”, which are, in reality, new laws passed by unelected bureaucrats. 

Let’s assume that is typical for each CRA regulation, we can now multiply those 25 regulations by seven and we get 175 “explanations”. Those “explanations” are now what we are absolutely required to follow in order to comply with one rule of one new federal law. When you get involved with environmental laws, the numbers are off the charts, and hard to track, and we’re sure there are far more than five Subparts and two Appendices attached to each regulation. However, for analysis purposes, let’s call this the “seven parts per regulation rule.”

Remember those 63,284 rules imposed on the nation between 1989 and 2002 from part one? Using the “seven parts per regulation rule” that gives us 449,988 “explanations” that must be followed. 

In 2020 there were 178 federal laws passed with 3354 regulations. That’s about 19 regulations per law, but that doesn’t include the Sections, Subsections and Appendices, which no one lists. You have to actually find the law and follow the “eyes rolling back into your head” tedium to get that answer.

However, if we make a broad assumption using the “seven parts per regulation rule” for each regulation, that turns those 19 regulations into 133 “explanations” that are, in fact, laws.  If there are an average of 8, it becomes 152. Nine becomes 171. Suppose the actual number is fifteen? That translates into 285 “explanations” that “must” be followed to be in compliance with federal law. That makes them de-facto laws never passed by Congress, and the “administrative state” is now in charge, not Congress. Do you doubt that? 


If you analyze the chart above, we find that since 2003 Congress passed 3319 laws, and the bureaucrats have created 65,582 rules averaging approximately 25 rules per law. Using the “seven parts per regulation rule,” we now have 459,074 explanations that are often contradictory and absolutely complicated. More interpretations, clarifications, and explanations will follow as the years go by. If we assume it could be 15 parts per rule, we get a mind-boggling 983,730 “explanations”. All of which are mandatory, and worse yet: 

At least 4,450 federal crimes are embedded in those laws and regulations (with some 500 new crimes added per decade) – often for minor infractions like failing to complete or file precisely correct paperwork for selling orchids or importing wood for guitars. Neither inability to understand complex edicts, lack of knowledge that they could possibly exist, nor absence of intent to violate them is a defense, and the crime” can bring military swat teams through doors and land violators” in prison for months or years.

The administrative states battle for dominance over the Congress and the nation is a fait accompli!

No one can fix this piecemeal because it is a foundational issue, and until that foundational problem is recognized, it will never be solved. The foundational issue is the passage of the 16th and 17th Amendments.

Carthage Must Be Destroyed!

Roman Senator Cato the Elder was born in 234 BC and believed that Carthage was too dangerous to be allowed to exist. Therefore he gave speeches ending in the phrase [no matter the topic of the speech] Carthago delenda est”, Carthage Must be Destroyed”. 

The 16th and 17th amendments are our modern Carthage ⏤ too dangerous to exist. This is foundational. The only fix is the repeal of the 16th and 17th amendments. After that, everything else will fall into place. But first, we must be willing to recognize that the 16th and 17th amendments are the enemy!

Our modern Carthage!

Sedecim et septemdecim delenda est!


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2 years ago

Thank you sir, I have been saying exactly this for years.
We need the Convention of States.

Reply to  gvillewill
2 years ago

it’s a good concept but one that will not work. in theory that is what should happen. but the courts already ignore or rewrite anything they don’t like, so what ever the states decide would just be declared unconstitutional.

Reply to  gvillewill
2 years ago

Actually, what we need is to enact the “Great Reset”, but not the “George Soros / Rothschild banker / WEF” great reset, but the “Great Reset” enshrined in the Declaration of Independence.

You know. The part about “throwing off such government”? Here’s the important thing to remember. So long as we keep “electing” people to the SAME GOVERNMENT, all contracts binding that government remain in effect.

Such as, say…debts to the Federal Reserve?

If you ABOLISH the current “government” IN TOTALITY, you essentially “Great Reset”, only this way we get ourselves OUT of debt, rather then burying us in it further with some fiat digital currency they can turn off with a switch.

We can copy the original “Constitution”, but this time lets mention Yahweh in it somewhere, perhaps?

And maybe tear down that gigantic statue of Lucifer in New York? Giant green abomination that it is. And we can do without the “pentagon”, the Needle of Isis, or any host of other Egyptian-god worship crap. And establish a congressionally-printed and distributed SILVER BACKED PAPER MONEY SYSTEM?

And oh yeah. NO JEWS. Sorry, getting a little tired of the offspring of Lucifer trying to exterminate my people with “multiculturalism” and all host of obnoxious crap they don’t particularly embrace themselves.

2 years ago

I’ve been saying the 17th amendment was the single worst thing to ever happen to this country. The states lost their voice. If the founders could have changed 1 thing with the constitution, it should have been that the Bill of Rights could never amended and any clause or section related to the establishment of the Republican form of government and its operation could never be changed.

2 years ago

the 17th amendment is unconstitutional on it’s face. the Constitution specifically says the senate shall be elected by each state. the 17th amendment cannot be held legal because of the contradiction. of course since about 90% of the federal government is unconstitutional I don’t expect any of that to change.

2 years ago

While we’re at it, repeal the 19th amendment.

2 years ago

Actually the power to tax a person wage is not a law. They (IRS) Will not take any tax from you unless you sign a W2. The companies you work for makes you sign the W2 for employment. That’s collusion.

2 years ago

So, this is important to understand if you wish to further your “constitutional understanding” of the matter: The 17th amendment is already null and void, all that needs to occur is it needs to be stricken from the books by matter of procedure.

This is WHY it’s null and void. Article V of the Constitution states: “no State, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.” For those of you that went to public school, suffrage is their vote. Because the 17th Amendment changes the way the Senate is voted in, from being voted for by state legislature, to a popular vote by the people, essentially creating 2 “House of Representatives” and 0 Senates, the 17th Amendment by every definition deprives the state legislature of its suffrage by giving it to the people. The fact it was “ratified” by the states at the time is irrelevant because new states have entered the union since 1913. Thus, those states now part of the union never themselves formerly ratified the 17th Amendment, as they simply didn’t exist at the time, and it hasn’t been RE-ratified since its inception in 1913. Since Article V states no state can be denied suffrage in the Senate, it is legally and lawfully NULL AND VOID. The only way to make the 17th LAWFUL would be for all the states to enter the union since 1913 to officially vote for it. But since they haven’t done that, the 17th is a no starter.

An axiom of law is nothing that starts unlawfully can be made lawful by subsequent act. The 17th is unlawful, and is null and void because it stands in direct violation of Article V.

Now, to find someone to bring the motion…this will be difficult, with all the Jewslaves in our so-called “government”.

As a side note, and it’s pretty clear why this wasn’t mentioned, given the names of the authors of this “article”, several other things of note happened in 1913:

1: The FEDERAL RESERVE was created.

2: The IRS was created.

3: The ADL was started.

If you think ANY of those things is unrelated, they aren’t. 1913 is the year our country was sold to Jewish banking families. They bankrupted it by 1933, right on schedule.

As another side note, the establishment of the Federal Reserve and the co-opting of our congress was part and parcel to the Rothschild plan for the establishment of the false Israel via stealing Palestine via the unlawful Balfour declaration. In fact, establishing the Federal Reserve was part and parcel to ensuring America’s entry into WW1 on the side of England. You’ll note that all key players in both world wars were bankrolled by Rothschilds.

It also started into play the first Rockefeller bioweapon ever introduced (at least to my knowledge). What you all know as “Spanish Flu” was actually caused by an “experimental” (ahem) meningitis “vaccine” given to American troops heading off to WW1, who became bacterial super-spreaders in the filthy trenches. You’ll note the start of “Spanish Flu” kicked off about 6 months after America entered the war. No coincidence. They needed maximum goy casualty numbers for their blood sacrifice to Lucifer, their god, for the establishment of the anti-Israel.

Yep. 1913 was a very good year for the Jews.

Last edited 2 years ago by letmepicyou
Sam S
Sam S
Reply to  letmepicyou
2 years ago

The Flexner report also came out,around this time, that started the medical/pharmaceutical complex that determines what procedures are allowed or forbidden. Look how that has killed people during the covid scamdemic.

2 years ago

Let’s not forget the disastrous 19th Amendment.

2 years ago

Looking at the utter nonsense that is the KJB hearings you know if senators could be recalled by state legislatures for not representing their respective states not one senator would be voting her onto the Supreme Court for fear of losing their gig.

2 years ago

Add the 19th Amendment to that and you will have the complete picture.

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