
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 18, 2024





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The Coronavirus is another virus in the long list of viruses that affects us every few years, according to statistics. Evidence strongly suggests this virus was a product of the Peoples Republic of China Liberation Army (PLA) for potential use as a bioweapon, about which it is politically incorrect to speak lest the Chinese should be offended. 
Its current manifestation as a rogue virus gone awry because some nincompoop Chinese lab technician dropped a vial of the stuff on the lab floor and broadcast it around when he walked home via the fresh bat meat market after his shift, is scaring people worldwide.

The detectable rapid spread of this current virus across the globe is alarming because nobody is sure how to approach it, except for Progressives, as a god send for population control or an indication of how disastrous it is too rely on government for our salvation.

People didn’t rely on government to learn the dangers of Cholera, Yellow Fever, Whooping Cough, Scarlet Fever, Smallpox or Measles. It was private enterprise who came to the rescue, but I’ll give credit to the US Army for finding mosquitoes the cause of Yellow Fever. 
For Progressives, it’s what class of society should be let go if infected and how we choose to face this newest danger, i.e., select or protect our own citizens, including illegals, select or protect the whole continent or select or protect the whole world. For Americans, that still leaves us faced with those moral choices that socialize medicine has promised: who gets to let live and who doesn’t? 
My question is who has that authority, who gave it to them and why? I sincerely hope neither Pelosi or Schumer are involved in those decisions because Democrats even threaten the Judiciary for the right to keep killing live babies as a method of population control, but balk at removing criminals who have no value to society and wouldn’t be missed.
Catastrophes are not only possible, they are probable because they happen all the time. Human beings from the past, including me, vividly remember the polio scare of the 1940’s, and realize how intensely vulnerable we were as humans to the disease d’jour. I distinctly remember my mothers fear of me contracting polio if I went to the municipal swimming pool, but, she let me go anyway. Adding to the fear, I remember speaking to youths in iron lung apparatus on display at fairs, all with the purpose of reminding visitors of the real dangers of the polio disease out there. Polio left a life long permanent mark but, In those days, we didn’t know what precautions to take so we accepted the risks because there was nothing else to be done. Jonas Salk, a private scientist solved the polio problem at last. It’s now a memory or should be.
Neither of my parents were around when smallpox, tuberculosis and the Black Death killed far more people than any war or any of the many plagues since. In 1957 the Asian flu came along, but inoculations had advanced to the point that child mortality rates dropped exponentially because previously, nearly all children got a series of diseases that we either survived or didn’t. The majority of us post war children made it through quite nicely, unlike in previous eras. My Grandfather, on my mothers’s side, died in the great Spanish flu epidemic of 1918. He was a Colorado coal miner and is counted among the half million folks in the US who died in that epidemic.
It’s not that the Asian flu, the second influenza pandemic of the twentieth century, wasn’t a serious concern because it was. That flu strain killed between one and two million people, a hundred thousand in the US alone. And yet, politicians didn’t blame Ike, governors didn’t call up the National Guard and college sports events weren’t cancelled. Modern transportation continued to operate and we did not regard each other with fear and loathing, afraid to shake hands or stand near to one another. The Asian flu was what it was and it was taken in stride like all the other pandemics that came before it, until it went away.  
Today, when I reflect back at how my parents, friends and neighbors reacted to the Swine flu in 1957, I ask, was it with casual disinterest or alarmed concern? I don’t remember them ever being alarmed to panic levels. Were they active in taking protective measures? Were they even afraid actually? I don’t recall that at all. We just treated any infections like we would a serious cold or flu and, we didn’t have the media telling us twenty-four hours a day, how bad things were and that they were going to get worse.
The only quarantine measure I ever recall was when my brother and I separately came down with the Mumps and Chicken Pox. Those diseases are now memories as is the once fearful polio but, as a political weapon, they can still be very dangerous.
Remember what Clinton’s Chief of Staff and Chicago Mayor, Rahm Emanuel once said: “never let a good crisis go to waste!”
So, is the Coronavirus a Catastrophe? I don’t really think so because I have the personal experience of surviving several of these things in my life time. Today I rarely come down with anything more serious than a cold so I reckon I must be immune to about anything except a speeding bullet. Those diseases of yesteryear didn’t come at us one at a time, they came at us in droves, some serious, some not but I didn’t give ’em any serious concern. I left that to my mom and dad. 

Today’s medics are starting to understand that the practical sense techniques needed to reduce the virus’s effects will work if only the media would only get out of the way.

The real catastrophe is a political one. Apart from abortions on demand, it’s the monthly death toll from lead poisoning occurring in Chicago and other urban American cities that we take no notice of.  
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em!


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