
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 16, 2024





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The last time I checked, the US Constitution hasn’t been deleted, altered, or rewritten to mean something other than what the founding fathers had intended it to mean. The Federalist Papers were compiled during the Constitution’s construct to provide the correct interpretive guidance necessary to protect that singular document and Americans from totalitarian destruction. Some Obama federal judges are doing that now.

It was specifically written into the Constitution the Federal government limits, limiting their powers to specifics and granting all else to the states and the consent of the people. The operative word is Consent! Americans do not have to consent to government edicts when those edicts are unconstitutional. We know that because we’re told that over and over again in our childhood education. But, under the current circumstances, what’s to be done?

We must realize the power of arrest now basically lies in Marxist hands, and they will use it. Already they have perverted the definition of who is and who is not a “terrorist.” It’s no longer the foreign Islamic Jihadists who killed over 3000 Americans in a single day, who are the terrorist!” To suggest is to be labeled Islamaphobic, but Oath Keepers, former American soldiers, and policemen still willing to keep the oaths they took to Protect and Defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, are the new “Domestic Terrorists.”

The Democrat Marxist now include all Caucasian Americans as potential domestic terrorists to fit their new domestic terrorist definition. They specifically do not include the Antifa and BLM anarchists but joyously point to America’s Oath Keeping defenders no longer under government control. 

The Patriot Act is the original cause of our transformation. It was quickly (too quickly) enacted following the Islamic Jihadist 9/11 attack on America and has become the de facto rule of law regardless of how we think it should be enforced or how many articles of Constitutional protections it sweeps aside. With visions of smoking buildings and airplanes used as missiles, Americans quickly acquiesced to governments’ demands that they should protect us from terrorism. Where is the government now? With our Blue Cities streets like Portland, Oregon, Minneapolis, Seattle, and Baltimore, reeling from anarchist attacks, the police agencies in those several Blue cities have all but been ordered to stand down. We witnessed rioters and looting fascist arrestees bailed out immediately after being arrested, even some by our Marxist VP, Kamala Harris.

Here’s what not to do: While we have the 2nd amendment right now, it’s under constant Marxist attack as an unnecessary infringement on the governments’ ability to protect us or allows us to defend ourselves. Taking a weapon to a protest is not the smart play. To do so⏤is to play into the hands of the growing police states at any Federal government institution where a peaceful rally is underway. Know that you will, at some point, be arrested and detained without Habeas Corpus rights, tried and jailed as a domestic terrorist, especially if you’re White and an Oath Keeper. It’s the Patriot Act in action, just reversed.

It has been construed by some courts to be a duty to retreat, if possible, from any potential situation in which you may be harmed. Many states, recognizing the Constitutional powers they have over the Federal Government in that regard, have dismissed the judicial idea requiring it a duty to retreat as nonsense. It’s an effective form of disobedience when we do not comply.

Now, having said that, if you should happen to be driving the streets of Portland, Oregon, and a helmeted, face masked black-clad moron tells you to go that way and threatens you if you don’t, and you take defensive steps because they have threatened you, be assured if you’re not beaten to death for your insolence you will be arrested while the Marxist DA constructs some anti-terrorist complaint to file against you. Still, you would be in your right to defend yourself and take a couple of ’em with you.

As to armed resistance, even in your own home, it’s fashionable now to shoot and kill home invaders, It’s happening all the time, and the Left hasn’t yet figured out a way to blame us for being terrorists when doing so. Beware of your neighbors too. Remember the Red Flag laws some jurisdictions have accepted? The original idea was to report the unstable people in our midsts (think gun owners) and report them to the police as unstable dangers to society. It didn’t work in Florida, but it gave the Leftist crazies the idea they could just Red Flag anybody they didn’t like, and the local police, in all their enthusiasm, would take that person into custody, search the premises, often without a search warrant, seize all guns, then brag to the media about how effective they had been in protecting the community. 

I believe the FBI has used a reverse Red Flag idea to entrap potential criminals, once a logical police tactic to force suspected criminals to reveal themselves in committing a crime while police resources were there to catch them in the act. Now, they are moving into the realm of preparing the criminal act then enticing idiots who utter unprotected thoughts and threats that the regime deems potentially heretical to act. Folks, we’re there, right now, at that very point.

The newest Marxist anti-terror idea looming on the horizon is from Obama, I mean Biden, who wants Americans to “Red Flag” as it were, “radicalized” friends, neighbors, family, and co-workers, especially if they are America’s White Patriots, therefore evil conservatives, to combat “domestic terrorism.” The next step of course will be arrest, trial, and jail time followed by re-education camps after which you’ll come out a blubbering idiot hailing Obama, I mean Biden.

By the way, this message came to you courtesy of White House staffer Macon Phillips. If you want to rat on somebody, email: [email protected]. It’s a two-way street, and we should use it against commie “Radicals” too.  For survival, we have to use their playbook.

This program, of course, will be presented as one of public safety awareness, letting us know Biden’s benevolent federal government is here to save us from terrorists.

I was challenged recently for not offering solutions when I end my essays with “Now, go do something” or usually, “Now, go get ’em!” There’s a good reason for that. I can’t get my message out if I’m censured, but worse, I have no inclination for any of Biden’s DoJ Gestapo agents showing up at my door on the pretext that I’m inciting an insurrection. That could happen anyway, but I’m still a free American. As it is, we all know what’s happening to our country as the corrupt, criminal gang of Marxist Democrats ignore the US Constitution, unless it helps them, and ignores the rule of law, all so a group of Socialist nincompoops can tell us how to live our lives better than we can ourselves.

Here’s an idea, If your friend, neighbor, or co-worker is a Muslim, red flag ’em and see what happens. They’ll still come after you for tendencies of acute Islamophobia, but at least you’ll know who the real enemy of America is. It’s the Democrat Party supported by China and the New World Order crowd. We’ve got some protecting to do! 

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em!

Image: George W. Bush Library


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