
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 8, 2024





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This FBI business has to be settled once and for all. Senator Ben Cordon (D) said Trumps actions showed a “lack of respect for the independence of the FBI! This over the firing of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and soon, others. McCabe himself whined that his dismissal was “Trumps War on the FBI.” It won’t fly with honest people.
So, the question must be asked, who has the right to watch the watchers, if not the President? Congress doesn’t because constitutionally the FBI is not, nor has ever been chartered by law, and given a mission statement that defines the guidelines that delineate, as the US Constitution does, the limits of its official government power.
Congress has long refused to establish the FBI by law.
When Teddy Roosevelt was President he first proposed such an agency to combat logging thieves (railroads) from stripping lands in Oregon and the Congress refused to go along. Teddy, consequently, set one up by presidential fiat. The social justice crowd hate discussing that point because it was then, and is now, a bureau of centralized political power located within the executive branch. The copied paragraph below reveals our Congress, long ago also feared a Russian style secret police force:
“In early 1908, Attorney General Bonaparte wrote to Congress asking for the legal authority (and budget funds) to create a “permanent detective force” under the DOJ. Congress rebelled, denouncing it as a plan to create an American okhrana. Democrat Joseph Sherley wrote that “spying on men and prying into what would ordinarily be considered their private affairs” went against “American ideas of government”; Rep. George Waldo, a New York Republican, said the proposed FBI was a “great blow to freedom and to free institutions if there should arise in this country any such great central secret-service bureau as there is in Russia.”….. And “Roosevelt, in his characteristic dynamic fashion, asserted that the plunderers of the public domain would be prosecuted and brought to justice.”… Mark Ames: The FBI Has No Legal Charter But Lots of Kompromat,
In the 1970’s, seventy years after the FBI’s founding, there was revived talk in Washington about creating a legal charter for the FBI. Politicians labored over the political ramifications of legitimizing an extralegal secret police agency to become legal with a defined mission statement. Congress wanted to draft a charter of limits of the FBI’s power because J. Edgar Hoover, also scared the hell out of ‘em. He made the FBI so essential to protecting the National Governments safety that they ignored, indeed acquiesced to Hoovers unctuous demands that allowed him to sweep even more investigative power under his wing. He also had real ‘dossiers’ on them! Oh, the humanity! A source for this information can be found in the archives of the New York Times’ under “Draft of Charter for F.B.I.
So, here we are nearly fifty years later and the very thing earlier politicians feared has come to pass. The existing but unchartered apparatus of a police state, infected at the highest echelons of the DoJ and the FBI by the Democrats who corrupted them, has attempted a coup against the US Government that failed, and are now complaining that President Trump has dangerously exposed them for doing their jobs. That would have worked under a Hillary Clinton presidency and America’s march into totalitarism and a one world government would have soon been realized.
But, now that Trump is the President and the FBI’s corrupted coup leaders are being exposed for what they are, the Democrat party is gnashing its teeth, rending its garments and wailing at their failed opportunity to oust the usurper, Donald Trump. The results of their crumpling, well oiled machine of political protection has been exposed, and unless changed by Congress and given a legal charter, the FBI is now all Trumps machine to wield as he needs. Democrats cannot palliate their involvement.
But. I’ll wager for the next hundred years, the FBI will behave like the model agency it was intended to be and faith, trust and belief in their honestly and integrity will return. We can only hope. That’s why we can never allow Liberals and Progressives, to ever hold power in a free state again.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution s the way. Now, go get ‘em!


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