
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 19, 2024





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I’ve been dancing around something for some time, as I lacked the evidence to make an accusation. I think now things have changed, so let me make my accusation: Covid-19 was intentionally released, and along with the government of China, the people running the United States, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, England, and several other nations were directly involved. Those people are collectively responsible for the deaths of millions of people, and they need to be held accountable.

By ‘people running,’ I do not necessarily mean the people elected into office. President Trump certainly was not involved, and yet Donald Trump was just one man – duly elected as President of the United States, but only nominally in charge of his own administration, much less the bureaucracy of the state.

The modern bureaucratic state is much larger than one man, and it is designed to run independently of who we, the people, might elect. The deep state, in fact, goes all the way back to Woodrow Wilson. 

FDR expanded this system, as did Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. George H. W. Bush was a part of it. He and his son Dubya expanded it as well.

Eisenhower and JFK warned us of the dangers of this system. Eisenhower warned us as he was leaving the Presidency. JFK warned us in the middle of his Presidency, and was promptly assassinated. Kennedy’s Vice President, Lyndon B. Johnson, expanded the system more than any President not named Franklin Roosevelt.

And now the Joe Biden Administration is working to tighten the noose around our collective necks.

This bureaucratic machine has nothing but disdain for the public, and that disdain is baked into its bones, the whole purpose of the deep state being to separate the running of the state from the will of the people and the politics of the day.

The bureaucratic machine keeps our elected officials in line by letting them profit off their offices, provided they do not interfere in the real mechanizations of power. Joe Biden was thus playing normal politics when he used the Vice Presidency to enhance his own family fortunes, and he was not alone. Even just in Ukraine, there is a long list of politicians and of the politically connected sitting on boards of corrupt corporations. Corruption is, sadly, business as usual, and the bureaucratic machine is perfectly happy with this corruption as long as it keeps the politicians out of the way of the true mechanizations of power.

Joe Biden does not even try to hide his son selling ‘art’ for millions of dollars a pop to Chinese officials. Rather, he keeps the list of buyers secret. We know who they are, and we know what they are truly buying.

But our media says nothing, and so we do nothing. We are mere sheep.

Just to put the bureaucratic state into perspective. There are a whopping total of 537 elected officials in our Federal Government. There are, in the meantime, more than two million full-time, unelected, career bureaucrats working for the Federal Government.

The two million people working as unelected bureaucrats don’t change jobs when one party replaces another as the party in power. In most cases, they do not even change policies, and many of these people worked in open resistance to President Trump, even as they officially reported to him.

These people are also members of the American Federation of Federal Employees, which is one of the largest and most powerful unions in the world. The President can replace any of the people he appoints whenever he wants, but firing union members is difficult, even when they are actively working to undermine official US policy. 

Nobody knows how many federal employees were actively working to undermine President Trump, but it was enough that they called themselves ‘The Resistance,’ and they worked as an organized, union-protected group. The DNC, which initially denied that any such ‘deep state’ even existed, eventually took to openly praising the ‘deep state’ for undermining Trump. Time Magazine went so far as to publish an expose after the 2020 election, praising a ‘well-funded cabal’ for ensuring a Joe Biden victory. That article was a public admission that the election was a fraud.

We live in a country where treason has become heroic on the left whenever it is committed against a Republican Administration.

We learned just recently that General Mark Milley, the Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, engaged the Chinese government both before and after the 2020 election to ensure them that Joe Biden would be the next President of the United States, and that there would be a peaceful transition of power to someone who would be friendly with China. Mark Milley went so far as to tell the Chinese government that he had reached out to other top military members, and that he, Mark Milley, and not the President of the United States, was acting as Commander in Chief. In other words, before the election even occurred, Mark Milley performed a kind of soft coup d’etat, putting Trump in a position where he was no longer truly in charge (though I’m sure he did not tell Trump this).

Donald Trump was a special threat to the deep state, having run on the promise of ‘draining the swamp’ with the financial resources to effectively tell the bureaucratic machine to kiss his ass. The machine took him seriously, and their disdain of him was a reflection of that. The machine spoke out against Donald Trump all in one voice, as if it were a sixteen-year-old girl, saying, “How DARE you!?!”

If you listened to the impeachment hearings thrown against Trump, the bureaucratic machine was not even hiding the real reason for Trump’s impeachment. Trump had been accused over and over again of things like violating US Foreign Policy – this in spite of the fact that as President, Trump and Trump alone, sets foreign policy.

Now it is Joe Biden (or at least his administration) who sets foreign policy, and our foreign policy under Joe Biden is whatever Xi Jinping wants it to be.

Somehow, Joe Biden’s corruption did not derail his election. How could it? Who was going to expose him? The Republicans? Most of them were just as beholden to the machine as he was, so no – they could not expose him lest they too be exposed. All of the Biden corruption was business as usual. He’s no dirtier than Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, or the vast majority of the 537 elected Federal employees. Corruption may be the one thing Washington DC does well, and it does it so well that more than 50% of our nation’s wealth lies within 100 miles of our nation’s capital.

The reasons the deep state hated Donald Trump are all true. They consider themselves the ‘experts,’ and the ‘true agents of power.’ Trump ignored them, and in some cases, Trump conducted the business of the State entirely behind their backs.

Within the rest of the public, there has been a growing groundswell against the bureaucratic machine going back at least as far as the Tea Party, and really going back to H. Ross Perot’s Reform Party. The machine has been attacking this movement every step of the way, but the movement keeps growing.

The machine’s tactics have been predictable – if the American People are turning against the bureaucratic machine, then the solution is to radically transform the American People, through indoctrination (the Department of Education’s embrace of CRT, a lying mass media, etc.), and through mass immigration of people with values other than those of the American people. The deep state offers ‘free stuff’ to placate the people away from any desire for actual freedom.

We saw the same thing in Europe, with the leadership of the Western World creating ‘Arab Spring,’ to spark the largest mass migration of people in human history, from Islamic nations into Western Europe. We overthrew Gadaffi, and I knew as soon as I saw ISIS driving convoys of white Toyota pickup trucks that we created ISIS. Had ISIS formed as a groundswell, they would have used whatever vehicles they could acquire, and the chances of ALL OF THOSE VEHICLES being the same make, model, and color are precisely zero.

I knew when Barack Obama kept calling ISIS ‘ISIL,’ in spite of the fact that EVERYONE ELSE was calling it ISIS, that Obama’s ego was at play. My guess is that Obama coined the name ISIL, and that his ego would not let him use the name that everyone else was using. ISIL was HIS baby, and he would not let it go…

Barack Obama also weaponized the IRS, using it to go after Republican political action committees.

Against the backdrop of a failed impeachment, with Trump on the verge of winning re-election, potentially by a landslide, the machine had only one choice: remove Trump, against the wishes of the American people.

And that is why we have Covid-19.

There were a lot of people in leadership positions, in America and around the world, who looked at the wealth of Western Nations against the growing global population, and who decided that we had to reduce the global population (or at least the growth in it) and that we had to reduce the standard of living of the Western World such that the rest of the world could catch up to our standard of living without ruining the planet. This is an old movement, going back at least as far as the Club of Rome (an alarmist environmental movement that at one time was headed by Mikhail Gorbachev), and it is this movement that is behind climate alarmism today – a climate alarmism whose own leaders have admitted is based on economic activism and not environmental concern.

The climate alarmist line of thinking makes the assumption that the rest of the world cannot live at a Western World standard of living without ruining the planet, and let me be clear that there is no evidence that this assumption is true, while there is ample evidence that it is not. The global elite, however, wants it to be true, as in a market economy those who make the goods and services other people want are the ones with the wealth and privilege, and the global elite are very much against any system in which people other than themselves have the wealth and power. As such, the global elite has no problem using corrupt means to grow their own wealth and privilege (which they believe they deserve) at the expense of everyone else. We, the people, are mere serfs, who must at all times be controlled.

The Democrats rigged the 2016 election, but Hillary Clinton was so overwhelmingly unpopular that she lost anyway, and there was no backup plan to deal with a Reagan-size Republican victory. The Democrats learned their lesson from her defeat, and had backup plans in place for 2020, just in case Joe Biden also did much worse on election day than anticipated, and while running from his basement, he did much worse than anticipated, in spite of everything the global elite did to push him along.

About a year prior to the 2020 election, the global elite worked with China to release a biological weapon that would kill many millions of people, and that would destabilize the most powerful country in the world (along with the rest of the world), while helping the global elite secure totalitarian control over the United States, and over the rest of the Western World.

The Biden Administration’s job is to manage a rapid decline of American power, while repositioning the American military away from defending the people of our nation from foreign powers, and toward defending foreign powers from the people of the United States. China, in the meantime, will invade Taiwan, and we will do nothing.

Even with Covid-19 resulting in election rules that allowed more fraud in our elections than had ever been used before, at about 2:00 AM EST on election night, the global elite realized that Joe Biden was going to lose the election. Election monitors at key swing-state locations were told that counting would be suspended until morning, and were then thrown out. Counting resumed without election monitors, and cases upon cases of fake ballots were carted in (by this time the global elite had a pretty good idea how many more ballots were needed) to ensure a Joe Biden victory.

Thanks to the Arizona audit, we know how much fraud there was, and we also know that our media is in the pocket of the global elite. Our media reported that the Arizona audit (Maricopa county) showed a Joe Biden victory, and while that is correct, the audit was not looking to see who had the most votes, but was looking to see how many of the votes were fake. The audit found that hundreds of thousands of ballots in that one county alone were fake – many times more than Joe Biden’s margin of victory in Arizona.

The Arizona audit found ballots that were clearly Xerox copies of other ballots, ballots that had never been folded (and were thus never in envelopes and not mailed in), and all kinds of other anomalies. Perhaps most damning of all, the audit found that hundreds of thousands of ballots had been deleted such that the auditors could never look at them.

I look at all of this – Covid 19, the election fraud, the mainstream media consistently and constantly lying to the American people, General Milley taking control of the military BEFORE THE ELECTION EVEN OCCURRED, and everything else, and I can no longer even TRY to believe that the government of the United States, nor of most of the Western World, has any semblance of legitimacy.

Today, our military is told that the greatest threat our nation faces is the conservative voter, the FBI is told that concerned school parents are terrorists, and the full weight of the United States government is being used as a political weapon against the people of the United States.

We are ruled by enemies of the Constitution, and it is incumbent upon us, and upon our friends in other nations, to take such steps as are required to abolish the government of the United States (and of those other nations), and to institute new governance, laying our government’s foundation on the principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to us shall seem most likely to affect our safety and happiness.

Yes – that last sentence borrowed heavily from the Declaration of Independence, and yes – that was intentional.

I declare Joe Biden to be an inept, decrepit old man. I declare the Joe Biden Presidency to be illegitimate, and I declare Congress to be illegitimate as well. I declare the governments of France, Australia, England, Germany, and a number of other nations to be illegitimate. I declare Xi Jinping to be a war criminal of the first order, who needs to be tried in the Hague. I declare the government of Taipei (in Taiwan) as the legitimate government of China, and I declare that the United States needs new – and honest – elections to choose new leaders at every level of government, who must then perform their constitutional duties as specified in our federal and state constitutions.

I call for the American People, along with the people of other once-free nations (and other nations of people who long to be free), to take to the streets in massive protests. Don’t stop working – we need our economy if we wish to eat – but we also need to take our government down to its knees until those in power are forced to resign. We consume in our cities, and produce in the suburbs. Congregate in the cities (and particularly in our nation’s capital). Shut them down.

This cannot be a small movement. Small movements fail. This must be a massive movement. ALL patriotic Americans must be involved in one way or another. We must organize (in a disorganized way that the government cannot easily dismantle), and we must get loud.

Keep working such that after we restore constitutional governance we still have an economy to support us, but after work make protest your first and foremost hobby. Make shutting down Washington DC your first and foremost vacation plan.

We have one chance, and one chance only, to secure liberty for ourselves and our prosperity. We must do so today, and we must do so every day, until our liberty is restored. Sheep herd well – cats do not. Let our government try herding cats.

We can secure new governance by being ungovernable, and we must start today.

  • Wallace Garneau

    Wallace L. Garneau, political commentator and professional author, brings a unique blend of expertise to the airwaves. Raised in a family of historians, Garneau's roots in history and economics run deep, with a particular focus on Europe between the World Wars. With a background in information technology and a keen business mind, Garneau authored "The Way Forward: Lean Leadership and Systems Thinking for Large and Small Businesses." His knack for breaking down complex ideas in clear, accessible language makes him a standout author and a powerful voice in the radio and podcast sphere. Beyond the corporate world, Garneau's culinary passion shines through in his social media presence, where he shares grilling and smoking techniques. A two-service military veteran (Marine Corps and Army), family man, and father of two, Garneau embodies dedication both personally and professionally. Listeners can expect insightful commentary on politics, economics, and culture. His unique perspective, rooted in historical understanding, sets him apart. Join Wallace Garneau on the America Out Loud network—his is a voice that not only informs but resonates, helping make sense of today's complex world through a lens of experience, knowledge, and a touch of culinary flair.


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philip f faustman
philip f faustman
2 years ago

Wow! So well said, thank you! Everyone needs to read this!

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