
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 18, 2024





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In the early 1800s, an old English children’s rhyme was often recited to start a race. It went like this: “One for the money, two for the show, three to make ready, and four to go!” How aptly does this rhyme fit our current world picture?

One for the Money…

How fitting that so much focus is being placed on the false god that we have been so clearly warned about. “No one can serve two masters” (Matthew 6:24). That’s right. We will all bow down to one or the other master, God or money. The majority seem to favor money. Thus a great way to get the people’s attention is to create a bank crisis.

Of course, money is necessary to survive. So when we hear about small and medium-sized banks collapsing, some investors get concerned. As the mega-bank JP Morgan announces that the Federal Reserve’s emergency loan program may invest as much as two trillion dollars of funds into the US banking system and ease the liquidity crunch, people have a right to be concerned. Is a monopoly developing? Where is this headed?

No worries, according to Secretary of State Janet Yellen. “The situation is stabilizing, and the US banking system remains sound.” Yeah, right! Safe and sound. Just like the “safe and effective” Covid shots that are killing and injuring millions of our citizens. If you believe that banks declaring insolvency are a sign of health and wealth because the government told you so… well, you’re likely standing in line for the next Covid booster. So often, the foolish die before their time.

The money crisis may just be a ploy to launch the central bank’s digital currency program, along with all its potential for abuse. Social credit scores, universal basic income with expiration dates on funds, and control over our ability to buy and sell don’t exactly fit my imagery of nirvana. When the World Economic Forum tries to convince us it’s the way to go, we should avoid it like the plague.

Two for the Show…

What greater theater could entertain us than the Imprison Donald Trump! performance, starring Soros-funded NYC District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who has nothing to boast about. The show is flopping. But that doesn’t dispel the fact that President Trump is guilty of three very serious crimes, in their eyes. First, he won the heart of the people. Second, he robbed Hillary Clinton of her tyrannical reign. And lastly, he successfully exposed the deep state in all its splendid debauchery. He must pay for his crimes, come extreme heat or flooding!

The suspense has been ramped up with steel barricade props placed around the Manhattan DA office, and a sudden pause in the New York City grand jury session. Add to this the shrewd and aggressive politician Ron DeSantis’s cheap shot, “I can’t speak to Trump paying hush money,” and you have the makings of a tempestuous Stormy Daniel’s plot produced by the boasting Bragg who wants the audience to believe, “We’ve got him now!”

Forget the facts that porn star Daniels denied having an affair with Trump, and that Trump’s former attorney and jailbird Michael Cohen sent hush money from his own funds, unbeknownst to then-presidential candidate Trump. What’s important is that Bragg makes good on his campaign promise to avenge shamefaced Hillary Clinton, who fully expected her election fraud tactics to win her the Oval Office.

Drama lovers, fear not! As long as Donald Trump remains a 2024 presidential prospect, the show must go on. And it shall. Stay tuned for Scene… 666?

Three to Make Ready…

Seizing the greatest opportunity ever, China’s emperor is making ready to become the world’s first globalist dictator. The CCP’s pride and joy, Xi Jinping, is every bit smart as he is evil. Three days in Moscow with Vladimir Putin was a worthy time investment in securing cheap oil, support for attacking Taiwan, and promoting China’s new veneer of becoming the world’s new international peacekeeper.

A beleaguered Russian nation is led by a wise ruler who knows the expediency of playing to the increasingly powerful Beijing dictator, at least for a time. Putin knows powers and allegiances shift, and if Xi is able to amass the wherewithal to reign as supreme ruler of the globe, Russia will at least be in good standing. Therefore, bless them with oil. Support the Taiwan/China “unification project.” Overlook Jinping’s excuses for not financially supporting Russia’s invasion. For now.

Let’s not forget also how the American Communist Party has played vassal to the globalist cause. Bill Clinton loved the Chinese. Barack Obama loved and supported everyone who hated America. And now Biden’s puppet oligarchy has plowed the roads for China’s conquest. As Russia and the United States face steady attrition of resources, China’s military grows strong, and Xi’s head swells with grandeur.

Four to Go!

Here’s the clincher. Where are we going?

Everyone is plowing ahead, knowing not where we are destined. Some say we’re on the verge of World War III. Others surmise we are facing a one world government. Will we experience a chapter of Communist rule, or are we headed straight to the hill of Armageddon? Nobody really knows.

Our every action and reaction will decide our final destination. Living in fear is a death knoll. Sticking one’s head in the sand leads to nowhere. Raising your hands in surrender brings only despair. Shall we protest? The government doesn’t care what you think. Should we strike and boycott? This yields nothing. What then?

Let’s first admit our do-nothing impotence with a few short sentences. We keep insisting on our First Amendment rights before a government that will not follow the Constitution. We want to arrest criminal leaders for breaking the law, when the justice department all but ignores the law. We say, “Let’s elect a President who can change things!” when the regime in power has completely stolen our vote. None of it makes sense. Our logic begs the questions, how stupid can we be? Who put a spell on us? Or, is God judging us by placing scales over our eyes?

A Better Way… Perhaps the Only Way

American Founder and signer of the Declaration of Independence, Samuel Adams, once warned us by saying, “It is in the interest of tyrants to reduce the people to ignorance and vice. For they cannot live in any country where virtue and knowledge prevail.” Do you see the problem?

Samual Adams, seemingly speaking to us now, also declared, “If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”

People, that time has come! America needs its experienced patriots to prevent our ruin!

Our Heavenly Father desires that all people be saved, and He calls all to repent, including the vilest tyrants who now seek to destroy us. Many will never change their ways. If God is the Author of liberty, as we claim, then it’s high time we realize that sometimes you have to fight evil to give peace a chance. This is that time. May God cause us to grow a spine and raise up courageous patriots who are ready and willing to accept the challenge of Samuel Adams. Our country now stands in dire need of patriots to prevent America’s ruin. But it’ll take more than four to go!


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1 year ago

Another great article!! It’s so good to hear that others are aware

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