
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 19, 2024





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Because hundreds of millions of Americans will be voting for Governors, Mayors, Senators, Sheriffs, the House and the Presidency as I am writing this article or in the very near future, it is my duty as a believer in the American Republic and its Constitution, to bring to their attention, subjects that not a Single Main Stream Media, Politician, Reporter or Academician will ever do.
The article today will most definitely cause meltdowns in the insignificant minds of Quran ignorant, Politically Correct dim wits, as well as Muslims and or their apologists who will instantly accuse me of being a Racist, Islamophobe, Xenophobe, Outrageous, Intolerant and a Nazi to boot without even one of them having the backbone or the knowledge to refute a solitary item herein.

Because the human attention span is about four minutes, I invariably start with my conclusions and explain them in detail later on with full references in chapter and verse from whatever sources needed (Islamic or otherwise) so that no one can accuse me of deliberate wrongdoing without having to disprove me. Therefore, it is extremely important for our readers to know the meaning of the subjects I am addressing herein – beside the original sources – so that they can come to much more informed conclusions.
Assimilate:  To become part of a group, country or society.
Integrate: To form, coordinate, or blend into a functioning or unified whole. Unite.
Racism: Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.
In the 20th century, racial classifications divided humanity into the following groups~ Caucasoid (White); Negroid (Black); Mongoloid (Orientals/ Chinese/ Mongols/ Japanese/ Amerindians); Australoid (Aborigines and Papuan); Capoid (Bushmen/ Hottentots)
Ethnicity: An ethnic group or ethnicity is a category of people who identify with each other, usually on the basis of a presumed common genealogy or ancestry or on similarities such as common language or dialect, history, society, culture or nation such as~ Bereber, Cherokee, Chinese, Arabs, Jews, etc.)
Hate speech: Is a statement intended to demean and brutalize another, or the use of cruel and derogatory language on the basis of real or alleged membership in a social group. Hate speech is speech that attacks a person or a group on the basis of protected attributes such as ~ Religion, Race, Sex, Ethnicity, National Origin, Sexual Orientation, etc.
Although most humans do not dwell on this fact, nonetheless we invariably ignore that we are part and parcel of the Animal Kingdom. Nature, has for survival instincts, hard wired into all animals {Fear of the “Other”} as possible contenders for territory or potential killers whether Primates, Lions, Wolves or Homo Sapiens.
Almost all animals are to start with, Territorial and Selfish beginning with siblings, relatives, the clan, the tribe, the tribes and then the nation/state.
The Bible is full of the history of deadly rivalries starting with Cane and Able and never stopping. Aggression must be hard wired into the animal instinct otherwise how can one explain from a logical point of view, why, when the Earth had very few human beings with abundance of lands and fresh waters, yet different ethnic groups attempted to conquer, slaughter, rape, plunder and enslave “others”?
Hate is Racist because it is not only between Racial groups but almost invariably between Ethnic, Tribal and Religious groups. For example, in the 21st century, although they are all Muslims, Turks, Arabs, Kurds and Persians hate each other and are slaughtering each other as we speak.
Muslims of Sunni or Shia sects not only are blowing each other to bits in their different mosques but both are also murdering “other” sects of Islam as well as “others” such as Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and Jews.
Hatred of the “other” is totally Irrational because no one can find a SINGLE logical, verifiable, just and moral reason for any one human group to hate for all time and attempt to destroy another human group.
There is NO prohibition in the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution against Hate Speech, although it is unlawful in most of Western European countries. This is WHY the American Nazi party can exist in the USA but not in most of Western Europe.

This is also the reason why Kathy Griffin could show herself with the decapitated head of the President of the USA in her hand without any legal retribution.
I too therefore, have the full right under the US Constitution to express my conclusions to ALL Americans without fear.

It is a fact that the United States is made up of 98.4% of Immigrants (Native Americans 1.6%!). These immigrants have come from almost every racial, ethnic or religious group on Earth. The absolute majority of them became part and parcel of the American fabric to such an extent that Americans of German, Japanese, Italian, French, Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Atheists, Agnostics, Buddhists, Hindus, etc. of different ethnic and religious backgrounds, fought in defence of the USA other Germans, Japanese, Italian and French in WWII.
Their loyalties to the USA were unwavering because they truly believed in the concept of a united American ‘peoples’ who have the most exceptional constitution in human history.
At the end of the naturalization process, all immigrants are required to take a public oath of allegiance—not to the president, or even to the United States per se, but to the Constitution. It is an unfortunate fact that few native-born Americans ever consciously perform: publicly and patriotically affirming the nation’s founding charter.
In the absence of any shared ethnic, religious, or cultural heritage, newly minted citizens pledge loyalty to the abstract concepts of liberty, equality, and justice for all as are enshrined in the Constitution. They are, in theory, obliged to digest and internalize these fundamental values. In the process, they come to know the USA better than those who wave the flag the hardest.
Also, “Senators, Representatives and Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”
U.S. Constitution, Article VI, clause 3
The total lack of any discrimination in any shape or form in the US Constitution is outstanding and contrasts dramatically with most of the other laws and requirements of other world states especially the Muslim ones because Islam cannot and will not separate State from Religion thus never allowing “others” Equal status under Sharia.

There is no religious book on Earth that has any clause or instructions inciting its followers to Subjugate or Exterminate “others” except in Muhammad’s Quran.

The question that should be asked regarding the elephant that fills the room is: How can any Sharia compliant Muslim be BOTH a Good Muslim and a Loyal citizen among Kuffar/ Infidels/ None Muslims?
The following is a short list of Muslims recently elected to political offices in the USA~
In January 2019, the Attorney General of Michigan, Dana Nessel, appointed Ms Fadwa Hammoud, a Muslim woman, as Solicitor General of Michigan. Hammoud was sworn into office on the Quran.
Ms Sadaf Jaffer was elected Mayor of Montgomery Township, New Jersey, in Jan. 2019. She is the first female Muslim Mayor in the U.S. Jaffer and 3 other New Jersey Muslim Mayors were honoured by CAIR. Jaffer was sworn into office on the Quran.
Ms Deedra Abboud was elected to the Arizona Democratic Party Vice Chair on Jan. 26th 2019. Abboud is a convert to Islam who has worked for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) & the Muslim American Society (MAS).
For those Americans who do not know, CAIR (Council on American–Islamic Relations) defends Muslims in the USA allegedly through civil rights actions, media relations, civic engagement, and education. CAIR also promotes social, legal and political activism among Muslims.
Please be aware that the US federal government designated CAIR an un-indicted terror co-conspirator in 2007 in the prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation and others for providing support to violent Hamas jihadists.
CAIR is also a designated terror organization in the United Arab Emirates.
Mr Samba Baldeh was re-elected as alderman in district 17 for the Madison City Council, in Wisconsin, in April 2019. Baldeh was first elected in 2015. Baldeh is a Muslim immigrant from Gambia.
Mrs Movita Johnson-Harrell was elected to Pennsylvania State House, District 190, on March 12th 2019. Johnson-Harrell is the first Sharia compliant Muslim woman elected as State Representative in Pennsylvania.
Mr Syed Abbas was elected as a District 12 member of the Madison Common Council in Wisconsin, in April 2019. Abbas is a Muslim immigrant from Pakistan.
Ms Zulfat Suara is a Sharia compliant Muslim Nigerian immigrant, was elected to the Nashville Metro Council.
Of course we also have Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Sharia compliant Muslim Ilhan Omar from Minnesota in the House.
Considering the fact that it is incumbent upon all Muslims to impeccably follow and obey the dictates of Allah’s Quran such as the following few verses (The Quran and Hadiths provide dozens more for those who are interested in more Hate and Racism), then how is it possible for any and all of the above Muslims to be truly loyal citizens in the USA?
Most human beings, whether followers of Muhammad or not, do not realize that Muhammad unilaterally declared Total and Eternal war, 1400 years ago, against ALL unsuspecting Human Beings who do not believe as he does, called Kuffar/Infidels.
Al Baqara 2.216: Jihad (holy fighting in Allah’s Cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.”
In innumerable verses in Muhammad’s Quran and Hadiths, Jihad means only ONE thing: “Physical Warfare in the cause of Allah”, in Arabic it is: “Qital fi Sabil^Allah”         
To fulfil Muhammad’s objective, Muslims – for 1400 years and continuing – have been using the following three steps process of Immigrate (Hijra), Increase (demographics), Exterminate to make all of humanity subservient to Sharia.
Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 4.50 Narrated by Anas bin Malik
The Prophet said “A single endeavour of fighting in Allah’s Cause (Qital fi Sabil Allah = JIHAD) is better than the world and whatever is in it”
In fact, among all Muslim scholars, Jihad constitutes the unwritten but most important sixth pillar of Islam.
Al Imran 3:85 If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah) never will it be accepted of him …”
Al Tauba 9:33 It is He (Allah) who hath sent His apostle (Muhammad) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islam) to proclaim it over all other religions …”
And last but not least~
Al Mai’da 5:51 “O ye who believe (Muslims)! take not the Jews [Yahood] and the Christians [Nasara] for your friends and protectors: they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them…”
*** The implications of the last sentence is of immense importance “And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them…”  meaning that any followers of Muhammad who befriend or are under the rule of Christians or Jews (or any none Muslim group) would be considered Apostates to Islam, outsiders to Islam, enemies of Islam who must be slaughtered.
In a nutshell ladies and gentlemen, no Muslim in the USA (or any none Muslim country) can ever be loyal to the American Constitution because it is Man Made NOT from Allah’s Sharia, nor can any Muslim in the USA (or any none Muslim country) be a loyal citizen because none Muslim Americans are called Infidels/ Kuffar/ Unbelievers/ Kafiroon to be either subjugated or exterminated***
In summation and based entirely upon the Arabic scripture of Muslims and nothing else, I challenge all Muslims and others reading this article to refute or deny any of my statements, comments and or conclusions~

a) Since every Muslim is Sharia compliant, then every Muslim is the Eternal and Mortal Enemy of every none Muslim human being called Kuffar/ Infidels currently comprising 80% of humanity of all Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Atheists, Agnostics, Pagans etc

b) It is Impossible, and I repeat Impossible for any Sharia Compliant Muslim to be Both a Good Muslim and a Loyal citizen among none Muslims/ Kuffar/ Infidels

c) Therefore, no Sharia compliant Muslim can ever Integrate, Assimilate or be a loyal Citizen among none Muslims/ Kuffar/ Infidels

Dear Americans, I have absolutely no doubt that most of you are decent human beings attempting to be fair minded and impartial to “others”. Unfortunately, tolerating the intolerant leads to the destruction of the tolerant; therefore, Americans must not ever allow Islamic Sharia to take root anywhere in the USA thus undermining the US Constitution and all Freedoms. Please read and digest the following incredibly relevant Axiom so that you are not deceived by those who stupidly speak only of Tolerance~
“Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance.
“If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them; We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.”  Axiom by Karl Popper
You, the parents, grandparents and relatives must not bequeath to your children and your grand-children, the seeds of Sharia, that will ultimately undermine and destroy the lives of your future generations in the name of unlimited “Tolerance” and or unhinged Political Correctness above and beyond Facts and Reality. You must not be part and parcel of the herd mentality.
Therefore, before you make a decision to elect anyone – whether Muslim or otherwise – you must at least try to know and understand their core belief system as to whether or not, it is compatible with the US Constitution.


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