
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

May 2, 2024





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Like a heavy, suffocating blanket being drawn up over our nation to keep us warm, the dark, godless tenants of Marxism are being drawn over what was once the great American Republic to make and keep us enslaved to their religion of government free-living whether we want it or not. By its very nature, Marxism must become a totalitarian state to maintain its power. That’s a given, and they know it and, while that power rush won’t’ last, it’ll’ last long enough to erase the memory of what a wonderful blessing God gifted us with our hard-earned Constitutional Representative Republic. Soon, if we don’t’ take action now, it will indeed be gone.

This Covid business, an unannounced gift from China, grew in the demented little minds of Biden’s Progressives as an unexpected opportunity to spread fear by implementing the idea that mandates would work to control us with fear. It became their vehicle for bringing on the fundamental changes to America that Obama promised, especially our rights of refusal. They have until the next elections to get it right, by their standards, and it is our duty to do all in our power to assist in their failure by slowing down or stopping their odious unconstitutional programs. It’s’ called nullification and non-compliance.

But, who shall we assist in these endeavors? Certainly not the majority of the GOP Congress members who have converted to the deep state.

The growing body of political activists running for office who want to swing the balance back to constitutional conservatism desperately needs our assistance. We have been constantly deceived by both Republicans and Democrats, who are the Deep State authors of the classic political tactic of false opposing dialogues. Democrats claim there was no fraud while our Republican leaders cunningly demand implementation of preventative “”voter fraud”” measures, which never gets done. The evidence is mounting that the November 2020 election was indeed riddled with election fraud that showed nearly all fraud claims were committed not by voters, but were organized by democrat election officials or those close to them.

Is preventing election fraud our only recourse? No, it’s’ not but, if you believe it is, then you should volunteer to be an election polling monitor and refuse any order by the poll officials to abandon your watch post, short of a fire or earthquake actually shaking your building. But, before elections, make it your business to attend your county and city commissioners’ meetings and if you don’t’ like what you hear, stand up and say so.

Resist and do not comply with anything that commands disobedience to the US Constitution.

If you’re’ pushed, take notes, make video recordings with your smartphone device and share what was heard and said to all your contacts, but under no circumstances allow yourself to be shouted down and out until you’re’ actually dragged away by the police. Go shouting, and you will feel an exuberance that will renew your soul.  

Too, always bear in mind that what happens in your local community, and doesn’t seem right, probably has a string attached by the Left to advance the United Nations Agenda 21 scheme. This program is expected to bring local communities into the Socialist fold, slowly, softly but by default of common acceptance. Remember, the officials who present themselves as “District Officials” in your state are unelected bureaucrats possessing no Constitutional legitimacy. Of course, the same thing can now be said about Biden and his administration, illegitimate! 

The Democrat Party, or whoever is running it, is running roughshod over our Constitutionality attempting to write laws for Joe to sign before the midterm elections. Some pundits report the Democrat Party is in a panic, especially with the prospect of a return of Donald Trump to the White House. They’re’ not, really. They never panic. Only Republicans panic and are willing to throw away victory when facing the jaws of defeat. We have to change that. 

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get educated!


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2 years ago

Call your representatives and tell them you will only vote by paper ballots.

2 years ago

Holy mother of god, I come to this website because I respect Dr. Peter McCullough’s positions on treatment for covid and his critiques of the vaccines and THIS is what I find, a bat-shit-crazy loony that thinks the election was stolen from Don the Con? Are you freaking kidding me???

Lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit has been thrown out of court for lack of evidence – over 60 – going back nine months now, recount after recount after recount has shown NOTHING other than the usual minor discrepancies found in every election, and even months-long “audits” have done nothing to turn up a thing yet we have someone like McClellan given space to air his delusional musings from the fever-swamp of his tortured imagination about the “Marxists” and “stolen election”?

Sorry, Dr. McCullough, if this is the company you keep, I’m outta here, I might catch something.

Reply to  Obi-jonKenobi
2 years ago

Sir/Madam Dr McCullough is mostly correct… however Dopey Joe died not win…! No sense debating you because the evidence has been circulating around your small brain…!

Reply to  BTX
2 years ago

Evidence? You and the knuckle-dragging morons that have brought over 60 lawsuits don’t have a CLUE what evidence is otherwise their lawsuits wouldn’t have been laughed out of court.

Oh, and some of them have already lost their law licenses or have faced censured or fined for bringing frivolous and dishonest lawsuits with no evidence.

Sad, as Der Gropenfuhrer likes to say..

Ed Smith
Ed Smith
Reply to  Obi-jonKenobi
2 years ago

You too can make $25 an hour trolling the conservative sites! Just like Obi-Boy!

Last edited 2 years ago by Ed Smith
Reply to  Ed Smith
2 years ago

I do it for free so I can watch the loonies foam at the mouth when I poke them with a stick.

Reply to  Obi-jonKenobi
2 years ago

Sorry, your Jedi mind trick will not work. There is evidence pointing from a myriad of directions that the 2020 election was fraudulent and stolen. Bell -weather counties around the country voted for trump, over Biden. 50 + evidentiary hearings were blocked by Obama appointed and Soros funded Judges. Pennsylvania unconstitutionally changed their election laws… you want more?

Reply to  Flip1over
2 years ago

LOL, tell it to the judge. Oh, wait, even TRUMP-APPOINTED judges shot down the laughable claims of “fraud” IN OVER 60 LAWSUITS, Dumbo.

But YOU have proof!!


Reply to  Obi-jonKenobi
2 years ago

I have a simple litmus test to reveal who actually won the 2020 election: Examine who stayed in their basement the whole time during the campaign days. Now compare that to who was filling stadiums, sometimes three or four times a day. If slo mo jo actually won the election with the most votes in history—then one would expect to see movies, documentaries, interviews, special celebrations, historical analysis…and yet one hears crickets. I guess Obi that the slack-jawed imbecile currently in the wh, is your hero. GTFOH.

Last edited 2 years ago by Truth
Reply to  Truth
2 years ago

Too bad big gatherings of MAGAts don’t really win elections, people that show up at the polls and vote do.

Now that you understand that, when you get to that part of your high school civics class, you’ll be way ahead. Good luck with getting that diploma.

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