
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 25, 2024





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Imagine if you will, in a time long, long ago, a politician flying to Nazi Germany to meet its leader, Herr Hitler, and discussing with der Fuhrer the perils of “Climate Change,” instead of addressing the real political issues developing that were the precursors to imminent war? 

Like Britain’s Nevill Chamberlain some eighty-odd years ago, Naive politicians flew into the bosom of evil to negotiate “peace in our time,” not climate change. He did so knowing that war with Germany was probably coming anyway and appeasement, not preparation, was the only diplomatic tool he had to avoid conflict. The better angels shouting in his ear told him otherwise, and well, we know the bloody outcome. He gave up the defense of Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland, not his to give by the way, to Hitlers’ demands, and war came anyway. Substituting the Communist Chinese for Nazi Germany is another matter because there’s too damn many of ’em, and they’ve already been allowed to steal nearly all of our intellectual and military secrets and systems, nearly achieving parity. 

The feckless Mr. John Kerry, Joe “Stumbles” Biden’s appointed ambassador without portfolio, except for blowing smoke, entered the evil lair of the Chinese Communist Party to actually discuss climate change using the phony science that he thinks is the real peril to our globe while ignoring the real perils of the coming war,

We can be grateful for that, I suppose. The two scenarios, then and now, are exact opposites, clear examples of why weak politicians shouldn’t be allowed to manipulate our future and demonstrate, with the clarity of a political cartoon, that we have indeed entered the “Twilight Zone.”  While John Kerry babbles about smoke, the Chinese Communist Party is amassing its military might to threaten Biden’s demonstrable weakness to do nothing. A dangerous character flaw permitting whatever the CPP might accomplish to be a fait accompli! We have entered the Twilight Zone!

President Jefferson advised that: “Weakness invites insult.” So too did Ronald Reagan, but the Chinese, with growing confidence, insults us by testing our reaction to their over-flight incursions into Taiwan’s airspace and their naval exercises against the outer island possessions of Japan, Philippines, and Taiwan in the So. China Sea. They know as well as we do “Stumbles” is a weak leader. Hell, he’s no leader at all. China knows Joe will cave in to their demands to make the South China Sea sovereign Chinese territory and, they are as equally certain that Joe Biden, Like Nevill Chamberlain, will gladly give up Taiwan without a fight mouthing the excuse “well, they’re all Chinese after all, aren’t we?” That should be, I’m sure, an act of racist treason!

From Obama to ‘Stumbles’ today, Democrats have abetted our military decline by denying our defense establishment the funds they need to stay ahead of the Chinese advancements in military parity. The Wealth transfer from our defense preparedness programs to satisfy oversubscribed and underfunded bankrupt Blue State union pension schemes; the use of defense funds to train our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines to train in socially destructive concepts of perversion over preparedness, is putting our manpower and nation directly in harm’s way. These Democrats and their favored Social Justice programs are insults to real warriors and the vast numbers of Americans who expect the government to keep their constitutional oaths and defend our country.  

Any unauthorized oath was taken by any elected government official, employee, military member, or job seeker that demands obedience to a political party or the leader of a political party and eschews the US Constitution must be considered invalid prima facie evidence of treason.

We are entering the Twilight Zone. What comes next will not be pretty.

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em!

Image: U.S. Embassy Seoul


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