
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 16, 2024





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Because the survival or demise of the American Republic will be determined on the 3rd November 2020 election, we shall uncompromisingly address the enclosed issues – unlike the Corrupt and Fake News Media, who are ruthless in their unrelenting deception and misinformation to all Americans.
This article is primarily concerned with American WOMEN of voting age – irrespective of Color, Race, Religion or Political affiliation – because hundreds of articles have been written about Blacks, Hispanics, the Wall, Borders, Immigration, Climate Change, etc., but very few on women, who after all, represent at least 50% of the voters (mothers, sisters, daughters, professionals, housewives, employed or unemployed, etc.)
Women MUST escape the shackles of the Herd Mentality when picking a politician or a political party.
There are today, in my estimation, two types of women voters:

  1. Mature women (all types)
  2. Millennials

At least 47% of women, who have been voting Democrats for decades, may continue to do so, based NOT on Facts and Reality, but entirely upon their relentless indoctrination by the Fake Media and all those who suffer from the terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome.

The female Millennials – have been ceaselessly programmed by their leftist/ liberal/ Globalist educators for the last few decades, in despising, disrespecting and degrading American history and Capitalism – and their enormous contributions to humanity – are very stupidly in lockstep, with the Communist and Globalist false promises of Bernie Sanders – and all the other Democrat contenders for the presidency – disguised as the meaningless and newly concocted political entity of ‘Democrat Socialism’.
I am not going to waste time upon the motives of why voters pick their choice, because what should determine whom to vote for, be based upon verifiable results, or merit and not hot air promises most of which can never be achieved.
I repeat again, that nothing in this Universe is ever free and anyone who promises others that he/she will give them anything FREE are insincere charlatans or corrupt politicians.
The following, are very simple but extremely important questions or points to ponder that should at the very least, give our female readers especially, reasons to think about, before making a final decision.
All the Democrat candidates for the presidency have varying degrees of the following items as selling points to the American electorate and my question to our female readers, WHY vote for any of them who hold the following sacred:

  1. Open Borders. Historically, no nation is sovereign while having Open Borders. Not only does this utterly insane and treasonous idea allows, Illegal undocumented criminals to invade the USA, but also, allows diseased people to bring in viruses such as Corona. In fact, because of Corona, every country on Earth is, as you are reading this article, is closing their borders.
  2. All of the contenders for the presidency are self-loathing WHITES who accuse America – they mean other WHITE Americans – of being RACIST while ignoring and dismissing the fact, that it was the alleged Racist Whites, who elected the Black Barack Hussein Obama, to be the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth, TWICE.
  3. After three years of insidious attempts to Impeach Trump on fake charges; they failed miserably in Congress.
  4. They want Illegals to have the same rights as American citizens; to allow them Driving Licences so that they can vote like tax paying Americans.
  5. These Illegals will be an enormous burden to the welfare system, medical services, housing and schooling at the total expense of hard working, tax paying Americans as well as becoming competitors in all the above.
  6. Why are these politicians more interested and singularly consumed by taking care of Illegals than let us say more concerned with the Veterans and Homeless in their own failing Democrat states?
  7. Why are they not spending their time (for which they were voted) to take care of homeless and disadvantaged Americans than fighting Trump over Illegal Invaders?
  8. They are promising ill-educated and uncomprehending millennials; free education, free housing and free other items on top of the free everything to the Illegals based on the premise of taxing the very Middle Class that is going to elect them.
  9. They are all for unlimited abortions of American children – who would have filled ALL the short fall in the labour force (46,450,000 aborted 1970/2016) – but extremely concerned about illegal children in ‘cages’ that Obama started and not Trump.
  10. They are promising the abandonment of all oil, coal and petroleum products to ‘save’ the Earth from Climate Change without once addressing the alternative possible methods to heat our homes and fuel all our transport systems while at the same time refusing to use Atomic energy as a replacement.
  11. They keep mentioning the mantra of Socialism as if it is the key to eternal bliss while Bernie Saunders has been and continues to be in love with Communism, Castro, the Sandinistas and the utterly failed Socialism of the Soviet Union, Communist China, North Korea and Venezuela.
  12. All of them are very comfortable with spending Trillions of none existent Dollars to achieve their utopian but unhinged ideas from reality.
  13. They have relentlessly opposed every move taken by Trump to protect Americans from Muslim terrorists thus endangering the safety of all Americans by calling such moves Racist when in fact, Islam, is the foremost Racist and Intolerant Cult belief system in the history of the world.
  14. Not a single one of these Democrats, obviously cares about the welfare or the safety of American citizens, because for almost four years – even before Trump moved into the White House – their first, foremost and publicly declared intention was and continues to be, to IMPEACH Trump. They had condemned him without even a trial, similar to what Communists and dictatorships do.

Let us share with you what President Trump has been able to achieve in spite of the vilest, untrue and relentless attacks perpetrated against him 24/7/365 for almost four years no matter what he does or does not do:

  1. Excluding the current deliberately induced irrational panic gripping the Media regarding the Corona virus, the US economy was surging, unstoppable
  2. Unemployment the lowest in 55 years (7,000,000 new jobs)
  3. People on Food stamps are also at the very bottom in decades
  4. General income has been the best in 12 years
  5. More Americans are positive regarding the future than the last ten years
  6. The border is being secured in spite of Pelosi and the Democrats unhinged attempts to make Americans unsafe
  7. US standing in the world, the best in over a decade
  8. The US is, for the first time since WWII, totally energy independent because of Trump’s de-regulations policies
  9. US military better prepared for defence since Ronald Reagan
  10. No new wars and hence, not a single new Boots on the Ground anywhere in the world
  11. The Ayatollah regime of Iran is extremely vulnerable since Trump exterminated their lead Terrorist, Soleimani ,without the unhinged Democrat prediction of WWIII
  12. President Trump is utterly against unlimited and free abortions
  13. President Trump’s criminal justice reform packages, are making the justice system more fair for African-Americans disproportionately than it has been in a long time — at least 30 years
  14. President Trump got permanent funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities for the first time in the country’s history. He has done more meaningful advances for Black Americans in three years, than all the other presidents in the last 40 years combined
  15. He is the foremost supporter of all Law & Order forces in the USA, unlike Obama, who vilified the Blue Line police instead

Even concerning how to deal with the Corona Virus, every single one of the Democrats is Politicizing the subject, wilfully and despicably lying to the American people, for the sole purpose of hurting Trump without an iota of regards for the welfare and safety of Americans.

Their scare mongering tactics, are causing unnecessary psychological and economic panic, when the reality is available to anyone who wants it: the mortality rate of the Corona is 2 to 3% while that of the yearly Flu in the USA is almost 10% of those who were hospitalized in 2019.

President Trump, has not simply been talking about going after every single vote in America, he’s doing his utmost to get every community in this nation focused, not on what the Democrats promised or are promising – their track record has so far been abysmal – but on what he has already accomplished and is accomplishing.
Donald J. Trump wants the vote of every American, because he is, and aspires to continue to be, first and foremost: President, from the People; for the People and by the People.
Based entirely upon all the above facts, WHY would any fair minded, decent and caring woman, still vote for any of the Democrat candidates?


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