
Many Voices, One Freedom: United in the 1st Amendment

April 17, 2024





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The killing of the Iranian ‘Cuds’ General Qassim Soleimani and some of his staff, will not precipitate World War Three. There may very well be messy retributions in kind, or attempts at retaliations, but no WWIII. There are ongoing, constant murders of Christians and Jews, by Muslims every day, yet the Democrats are freaking out. Besides, if Democrats want to complain about killing a terrorist leader, perhaps they should first decide which unborn baby might become a terrorist before killing it. I’m just saying! Soleimani was a long planned target who put himself in the target zone at Baghdad and we got him. Pity! 

Democrats would have us believe that “Trump ordered the killing of a simple Islamic scholar,” rather as if Trump was a wicked spider lurking in the center of its web waiting for his prey.

No, not at all. Soleimani’s removal had been planned and authorized long in advance for just such an opportunity to present himself which it did. Cue the violins.
American’s should be reminded that Iran has twice attacked sovereign American property. All nations embassy’s are sovereign property and to attack one is to attack the home country. We did not attack Iran after their jihadists stormed the American embassy in Tehran when Jimmy Carter was President, and just this New Years week, Iran attacked our sovereign property a second time in Iraqi, Baghdad. I don’t know who planned the Benghazi Consulate attack but Soleimani has had American blood on his hands for years. 
There is a group in the DC Swamp eager to extract revenge against those reckless Iranian’s by strong, aggressive military means. Who could these loyal American benefactors possibly be? Why it’s the Military-Industrial Complex and their lobbyists, waiting to supply our troops with guns, ammunition, MRE’s, ships, planes and hospital beds, so America doesn’t look the fool.  

America has been screwing around in Afghanistan for over seventeen years. We’re not in a war, we’re in a police action and after 17 years with no victory, Americans are either simply tired and have given up or don’t understand the problem.

Ah, yes, the problem! Well, what’s happening in Afghanistan is no longer our problem. They grow opium and we apparently see that as a cash cow for their economy. They fight each other with the same vigor they fight outsiders. The British learned that twice; the Russians learned it the hard way and Afghan history is filled with a long list of invaders who learned the lesson too. One wonders how Alexander the Great made it as far as India. Simple, he didn’t stop to waste his resources in Afghanistan. 
There are many potential conflicts lurking on the horizon that could precipitate another world war but the US vs. Iran isn’t one of them, yet. India vs. Pakistan or China vs. India are far better bets. China tolerates North Korea but is fearful of the Korean Gargoyle, “Little Kim” going rogue with his toys so I suspect China may stop Kim before that happens but who knows? 
But, before another world war starts, Americans had better settle the potential civil war hovering right here in our midst. The two American political sides, Republicans (almost socialists) and the Democrats (completely Socialists) have a difference of opinion over the wording of the US Constitution and what the words in it really mean. What Democrats don’t like they simply ignore or work around like the 1st and 2nd Amendments. President Trump is not fooling around with these Obama emboldened Iranian terrorists.
American’s don’t wan’t to be bothered by the screwballs of any religion⏤especially Islam. Trump left a message for Iran. He took out their prime Field Marshal.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em!


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